
How Much Is Devon Larratt Worth

How Much Is Devon Larratt Worth: 5 Interesting Facts

Devon Larratt is a well-known name in the world of arm wrestling. With his incredible strength, technique, and dedication, he has become one of the most successful arm wrestlers in the history of the sport. As a result, many people are curious to know just how much Devon Larratt is worth. In this article, we will explore the net worth of Devon Larratt and uncover some interesting facts about his life and career.

1. Devon Larratt’s Net Worth
As of 2022, Devon Larratt’s net worth is estimated to be around $2 million. This impressive sum is the result of his successful career as an arm wrestler, as well as his endorsements and sponsorships. Larratt has competed in numerous high-profile arm wrestling tournaments, winning multiple championships and earning substantial prize money along the way. Additionally, he has built a significant online following, which has further contributed to his overall net worth.

2. Early Life and Career
Devon Larratt was born on April 24, 1975, in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Before becoming a professional arm wrestler, Larratt served as a Canadian Special Forces soldier. His military background equipped him with discipline, strength, and a never-give-up attitude, which he later applied to his arm wrestling career. Larratt’s dedication and hard work paid off, as he quickly rose through the ranks and established himself as a dominant force in the sport.

3. International Success
Larratt’s impressive arm wrestling skills have earned him worldwide recognition. He has competed in various international tournaments, including the World Armwrestling League and the World Armwrestling Championships. Larratt has won numerous titles and accolades throughout his career, solidifying his status as one of the greatest arm wrestlers of all time. His success has also opened doors for him to participate in other ventures, such as reality TV shows and appearances in movies.

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4. Physical Attributes
Standing at 6 feet 5 inches (196 cm) tall and weighing around 250 pounds (113 kg), Devon Larratt possesses an imposing physique that complements his exceptional arm wrestling skills. His long arms and strong grip give him a significant advantage over his opponents. Larratt’s dedication to training and maintaining his physical fitness is evident in his performances, as he continues to dominate the arm wrestling scene.

5. Personal Life
Devon Larratt is married to Jodi Larratt, and the couple has two children together. Despite his busy schedule and demanding career, Larratt values family and finds a way to balance his personal and professional life. He often shares glimpses of his family life on social media, showcasing his love and dedication to his loved ones.

Now, let’s move on to some common questions about Devon Larratt and provide answers to them:

1. How old is Devon Larratt?
Devon Larratt was born on April 24, 1975, which makes him 46 years old as of 2022.

2. How did Devon Larratt become an arm wrestler?
Devon Larratt’s passion for arm wrestling began at a young age. He honed his skills over the years through intense training and competing in various tournaments, gradually establishing himself as a formidable force in the sport.

3. Has Devon Larratt ever lost a match?
Yes, Devon Larratt has experienced losses throughout his career. However, his overall record remains highly impressive, with numerous victories against some of the best arm wrestlers in the world.

4. What training regimen does Devon Larratt follow?
Devon Larratt follows a rigorous training regimen that includes strength training, endurance exercises, and arm wrestling-specific techniques. He also emphasizes the importance of proper nutrition and recovery to maintain peak performance.

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5. Has Devon Larratt ever participated in reality TV shows?
Yes, Devon Larratt has made appearances on reality TV shows such as “Game of Arms” and “Pulling John.” These shows provide a glimpse into the world of professional arm wrestling and showcase Larratt’s skills and personality.

6. What other interests does Devon Larratt have?
In addition to arm wrestling, Devon Larratt is an avid outdoorsman and enjoys activities such as hunting and fishing. He also has a passion for motorcycles and often shares his love for riding on social media.

7. What are some of Devon Larratt’s notable achievements?
Devon Larratt has won multiple championships throughout his career, including the WAL Heavyweight Championship and the World Armwrestling Championships. He is also a multiple-time Armed Forces National Champion.

8. Does Devon Larratt have any future plans in arm wrestling?
Devon Larratt remains an active competitor and has expressed his desire to continue pushing the boundaries of the sport. He continues to train and compete at a high level, aiming to further solidify his legacy as one of the greatest arm wrestlers of all time.

9. How does Devon Larratt inspire others?
Devon Larratt’s dedication, perseverance, and humble nature serve as an inspiration to aspiring arm wrestlers and individuals pursuing their passions. He encourages others to work hard, set goals, and never give up on their dreams.

10. Does Devon Larratt have any charitable endeavors?
Devon Larratt actively supports various charitable causes. He has participated in charity arm wrestling events and raised funds for organizations such as Wounded Warriors Canada.

11. What is Devon Larratt’s social media presence?
Devon Larratt is active on social media platforms such as Instagram and YouTube, where he shares training videos, insights into his life, and engages with his fans.

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12. Has Devon Larratt ever suffered any injuries?
As with any physically demanding sport, Devon Larratt has experienced injuries throughout his career. However, his resilience and determination have allowed him to overcome these setbacks and continue competing at the highest level.

13. Is Devon Larratt considered the best arm wrestler in the world?
Devon Larratt is widely regarded as one of the best arm wrestlers in the world. His numerous titles, achievements, and dominant performances have solidified his position among the sport’s elite.

14. What is next for Devon Larratt?
Devon Larratt’s drive to constantly improve and his thirst for competition will likely lead him to new challenges and opportunities. Fans can expect to see him continue to compete and leave his mark on the world of arm wrestling.

In conclusion, Devon Larratt’s net worth stands at an estimated $2 million, reflecting his remarkable achievements in the world of arm wrestling. His success, combined with his dedication to his family and charitable endeavors, has made him an influential figure in the sport and an inspiration to many. As he continues to compete and evolve, Devon Larratt’s legacy in arm wrestling will undoubtedly endure.


  • Susan Strans

    Susan Strans is a seasoned financial expert with a keen eye for the world of celebrity happenings. With years of experience in the finance industry, she combines her financial acumen with a deep passion for keeping up with the latest trends in the world of entertainment, ensuring that she provides unique insights into the financial aspects of celebrity life. Susan's expertise is a valuable resource for understanding the financial side of the glitzy and glamorous world of celebrities.

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Update: 2024-06-07